Veterans Day: A Day That's Not For Sale

Veterans Day: A Day That's Not For Sale

Posted by Jorden Leib on 16th Nov 2017

Every year we choose to honor our veterans by doing our best to tell their stories, through their eyes and their own words. We honor veterans not with a sale, not for money, and not for any PR. We are surrounded by Veterans and those that have served our nation. We want to show them that we care, and that we are grateful for their service. If you are a veteran, whether you're a customer of ours or not, we thank you wholeheartedly 

- The Skid Steer Solutions Team

Veterans Day 2017

Here are some other Veteran's stories we recommend

Beyond the Wars

Support Veterans by donating to the charity of your choice and by advocating for better benefits and better, more affordable healthcare for all Americans.

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