Meet the Team
Sales & Customer Success

Nate H.
Sales Director
Meet Nate H.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
BMX mixer line, they just work so well and always bring a smile to our customers faces
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
I love the team spirit and how we all come together to take care of our awesome customers!
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Helping the company reach some of the goals we never thought we could, and seeing the team grow so much in the last couple years.
What energizes you throughout the day?
Coffee with a side of coffee

Customer Service Supervisor
Meet KJ G.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
Mix & Go Concrete Mixers
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
It is a family. Everyone wants to see you succeed and encourage you in the things you want to do, both at work and in your personal life.
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Ringing the sale bell with the Nerf gun, it's a pretty big deal here...
What energizes you throughout the day?
Caffeine, copious amounts of caffeine.

Austin S.
Lead Inside Sales Rep.
Meet Austin S.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
The M&M Hydra-Clip 16" Tree Shear
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
The family environment and the drive to innovate.
Would you rather fight a Velociraptor or Bigfoot?
Easily a Velociraptor. Contrary to Jurrasic Park, the Velociraptor was only a little larger than a modern chicken, just more pointy and hunted solo. I'll fight a big pointy chicken any day.
What energizes you throughout the day?
Coffee, cortisol, and selling in-stock attachments!

Summer P.
Inside Sales Rep.
Meet Summer P.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
Auger drives hold a special place in my heart but the Eterra PDX 1000 Post Driver is my favorite. I've had to pound one too many posts by hand growing up so I enjoy all things that make that job easier!
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
I talk about machinery and attachments all day. I get to speak to farmers, ranchers and new, do it yourselfers! Coming from a small Iowa town it's like having morning coffee at the gas station.
What energizes you throughout the day?
I get super excited to be able to help folks find potential solutions to their problems. Even if we don't have a specific product you are looking for I will go out of my way to get you pointed in the right direction. I'm here to help you succeed!
What animal represents you best?
Definitely a Raccoon. I'm exceptionally curious and can be aggressive when provoked. Oh and I like shiny things as well as snacks!

Cody U.
Inside Sales Rep.
Meet Cody U.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
My background wants me to say auger drives as I spent years selling and learning about them but, I would have to go with a forestry mulcher watching them do work is pretty cool!
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
Getting to talk to customers all over the country and hearing about their different jobs. Also, the team and family atmosphere we have.
Would you rather fight a Velociraptor or Bigfoot?
I would say Bigfoot. I have seen Jurassic Park but not Bigfoot so I would have to find him first.
What energizes you throughout the day?
Redbull, music, and getting the chance to sell cool attachments to people all over.

Karlie S.
Senior Customer Success Rep.
Meet Karlie S.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
BMX-600 Concrete Mixer
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
My coworkers!
Would you rather fight a Velociraptor or Bigfoot?
Bigfoot. Maybe he just needs a hug? I've seen Jurassic Park too many times to think I've got a chance against a Velociraptor.
What energizes you throughout the day?
Being outside!
Service, Warranty & Operations

Taylor V.
Customer Service Support
Meet Taylor V.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
I am best known around the office for my knowledge of augers but my favorite attachment are from the Vacuworx line. They are completely unique to anything else we offer.
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
Our work culture is unmatched. I really love our team approach to every challenge we come across. I couldn't ask for better coworkers.
What animal represents you best?
I asked two of my coworkers and one said a leopard and one said a white Bengal tiger. So a big cat of some kind. Looks sweet but can be sassy
What energizes you throughout the day?
Jamming to music. If I need a little recharge, I will throw on one of my favorite songs and sing at the top of my lungs.
Marketing & E-Commerce

Minh D.
E-Commerce Manager
Meet Minh D.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
Forestry Mulcher
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
Team atmosphere. We all work together to accomplish our goals
Would you rather fight a Velociraptor or Bigfoot?
What energizes you throughout the day?
Making my family proud, and seeing our marketing team succeed on the projects that we are working on.

Hailey M.
Senior Digital Marketing Coordinator
Meet Hailey M.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
I'd have to say the Mix and Go Concrete Mixer from Eterra. I've see thoses babies in action and they're easily the best on the market. Definitely check them out if you havent already:)
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
The people make this job 1000x better. Also being able to do so many jobs and wear so many hats!
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Being able to learn and create email templates to send out to our customers! Also operating a skid steer using Promac's Forestry Mulcher was also an amazing experience!
What energizes you throughout the day?
Coffee definitely helps in the morning, but being able to do a variety of tasks throughout the day and continuing to learn new things keeps me going throughout the day.

Ashley N.
E-Commerce Inventory Coordinator
Meet Ashley N.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
The BMX concrete mixers
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
The camaraderie and work environment, like a family
What energizes you throughout the day?
Coffee, exchanging hilarious gifs, and my co-workers
What animal represents you best?
Puffin, they can fly and dive under water. A multi-faceted animal!

Jimmy V.
Ecommerce Merchandising Specialist
Meet Jimmy V.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
If I had to pick one, it would probably be the Raptor with the Sickle Bar Mower attachment.
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
The opportunity to learn and continue to grow and find new ways to improve myself and my work.
Would you rather fight a Velociraptor or Bigfoot?
I would rather fight a Velociraptor because they don't exist anymore, which means something else for Bigfoot O.o
What animal represents you best?
I would probably say a Coho Salmon. Throughout their journey of life, no matter the situation or hardship, they always know when it's time to head back home. But mostly because I love to fish for, and to eat them.

Aaron H.
Fulfillment Operations Manager
Meet Aaron H.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
It's a toss up between the Typhoon and the Raptor with a cyclone.
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
I feel like a kid in a candy shop when I walk into the warehouse. Big kid toys everywhere! More importantly, I enjoy the atmosphere here. I am treated as a person not a number.
What energizes you throughout the day?
Redbull helps a lot
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
My proudest accomplishments so far have been assisting in creating procedures that help the company move forward and work more efficiently.

Jodie A.
Head of Fulfillment
Meet Jodie A.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
Raptor Boom Arm w/Cyclone Mower
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
Designing new attachments with Rob
What energizes you throughout the day?
What animal represents you best?

Teegan J.
Warehouse Lead
Meet Teegan J.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
The Hydraulic Angle Broom! Why the broom you ask? Makes cleaning the warehouse easier!
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
The camaraderie. Nobody here is shy, and isn’t afraid to reach out or ask questions.
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Getting the accuracy of our inventory up to 100% and maintaining it
Would you rather fight a Velociraptor or Bigfoot?
Bigfoot. Growing up in Alaska, I had to fight a yeti, so I think I could take on Bigfoot

Beth K.
Accounts Payable
Meet Beth K.

Favorite Skid Steer Attachment
Cement Mixer
What is your favorite thing about working for Skid Steer Solutions?
Happy team mates
What energizes you throughout the day?
Good music and coffee
What animal represents you best?
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